Wholistix Wellness Shoppe

Wholistix Wellness Shoppe
2085 50th Ave, Unit B, Red Deer, T4R 1Z4, Alberta, Canada
CALL US: 403-346-3393
Email: alive@wholistix.ca

URL: http://www.wholistix.ca/Sound-Therapy-Via-Crystal-Singing-Bowls-Energy.html

Sound Therapy -- Crystal Singing Bowls Energy


Natural quartz crystal singing bowls are one of the most effective methods for energy healing on physical, emotional/mental, and spiritual levels. Often used for aura and chakra energy-balancing; meditation and yoga; extra-sensory and kundalini awakening; relaxation and wellness, the use of crystal singing bowls take the principle of vibrational healing via sound to a whole new level.

Quartz Crystal
Crystals are fossilized water, formed when water combines with an element under certain conditions of pressure, temperature and energy. As a crystal, the element is able to express itself as a more unified and ordered being. 
Silica sand, combined with water becomes quartz crystal. Quartz crystals have many physical properties. They amplify, transform, store, focus, and transfer energy. We see the results in microphones, radio and television equipment, timepieces, laser tools, and computers to name a few. 
Our bodies, too, are crystalline in structure. When working with crystals, there may be profound effects on the organs, tissues, and cells, as well as the circulatory, endocrine, and metabolic systems.
Thoughts are energy forms. When thought energy interacts with a crystal, those thoughts are changed to more harmonic forms, which change brainwave frequencies, showing possible alterations in consciousness. Thus, the power of positive intention or affirmation combined with the use of crystals provides remarkable healing results. 

Crystal Bowl Vibrational Energy 
When Crystal singing bowls are played, they create a very pure energy form (sine wave form). This sine wave carries through physical objects quite well. The human body has quite a lot of resonation potentials within it, thus, the pure and powerful vibrations of crystal bowls are able to "re-tune" us to our own natural and healing vibrations. Like other forms of vibrational healing, such as color energy, crystals, essential oils, and subtle-energy work, the tonal vibrations of these bowls help to dissolve energetic blockages, allowing us to restore and enhance balance.

The initial effect of playing crystal bowls is body, mind, spirit relaxation. Once a calmness is restored, the sound frequencies stimulate the auric energy field and chakras, brain waves, endocrine glands, and nervous system. When we combine the playing of the bowls with focused, positive thought and imagery, the results are even more powerful. Crystal Singing-Bowl Energy is used for: feng shui energy or sacred- space creations; vibrational energy work for healing, growth and transformation; enhanced meditative states; chakra and kundalini activation; shamanic rituals and quests; heightened levels of extra-sensory perception; health and wellness.

With consideration of Cymatic science (manifestation of geometrical formations via sonic wave energy); what we have here to work with and heal with folks is “primal energy of creation” … a Universal language … OM (AUM) 

Creation of Crystal Bowls 
Crystal bowls are made from 99.992% pure crushed quartz and heated to about 4000 degrees in a centrifugal mold. They are readily available in clear or frosted bowls in a variety of sizes, ranging from 6 to 24 inches in diameter. The bowls emit a powerful, pure resonance. The larger bowls are much more reverberant, with the tone lingering longer, simply because of the size and amount of crystal. The clear bowls, somewhat more expensive, are more readily available in smaller sizes.
A wide selection of Crystal Singing Bowls are now made with Gemstones (amethyst, rose quartz, citrine etc.) and Precious Metals (titanium, gold, silver). 

The size of the bowl does not necessarily determine its sound note, although the larger bowls sound lower octaves and notes. Each bowl is tested with digital technology to identify its sound. One will have a sense of which tone "feels" most congruent with individual needs or desires. The notes, C, D, E, F, G, A, B correspond with one’s energy centers or chakras. 

Chakra Energy Centers and Sound Notes
The properties, in brief, of each “chakra” are: First - grounding, Second - flow and sexuality, Third - self-esteem and prosperity, Fourth - love and health, Fifth - communication and creativity. Sixth - intuition, psychic development, Seventh - connection with one's spiritual self.

» Click Here For More About Chakras.

Chakra Energy

7 Main Chakras:

First - Root - C Note

Second - Sacral - D Note

Third - Solar Plexus - E Note

Fourth - Heart - F Note

Fifth - Throat - G Note

Sixth - 3rd Eye - A Note

Seventh - Crown - B Note

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